This gorgeous web interface should be used to keep track of your coffees orders!
This reader allows you to pay for a coffee when a NFC card, associated with your account, is swiped.
It allows you to directly order a coffee (no cup).
Enter the following address in your web browser:
Please contact Baptiste by email or on Mattermost.
To pay with your professional badge (or with another NFC tag), you can associate its identifier with your account by following these steps:
Go to the office of Laurent Toutain, Nicolas Montavont or Baptiste Gaultier and give them some money. You can also make a transfer using Paylib or PayPal.
To order a 3D print, send an email to with your .stl file and the color you want (see available colors below). You will receive a quote within a few days for approval. Your kfet account will then be charged the amount of the quote if you accept it.
Resources can be accessed using Rest API are: Actions related to orders and their visualizations Users
GET /users/$uid
Get user $uid info.
GET /stats/$uid
Get user $uid info.
GET /payments/$uid
Get the amount and the date of the user $uid deposits.
GET /snacks
Get all snacks.
GET /snacks/$id
Get snack $id info.
POST /swipes/$id
Make a swipe on reader $id.
POST /coffees/$uid
Pay one coffee for user $uid.
GET /drinkers
Get the top ten coffee drinkers.
GET /jobs/$uid
Get user $uid 3D prints info.
Toutes les semaines, un tirage au sort permettra désignera une personne pour nettoyer les parties de la machine suivantes :
Pour plus d'informations sur le nettoyage, veuillez consulter le mode d'emploi (le livret papier est situé dans le tiroir de gauche de la cuisine aménagée du centre-vie).